On first glance, this is a journey pretty far off the yoga mat--off the mat and into an Esperanza Spalding jam about gitmo. But if you look again, it's actually a sensory demonstration of the third chakra, manipura, at work. Somewhere in the sweet spot between shrinking and overbearing, Esperanza lands on assertiveness and makes a point so catchy you'll have absolutely no luck getting it out of your head. Go ahead and try. I assume the only successful antidote would be making a call to a senator or member of congress... Plus, girl's got some guns. She's gotta be doing her fair share of chaturanga-ing...
This is pure manipura: where fire turns to flow and creativity catches like wildfire, and all of a sudden Ani Difranco and Stevie Wonder are holding up signs in your music video. Suddenly one voice spreading a necessary message is amplified into a choir!
This is pure manipura: where fire turns to flow and creativity catches like wildfire, and all of a sudden Ani Difranco and Stevie Wonder are holding up signs in your music video. Suddenly one voice spreading a necessary message is amplified into a choir!
A little bit about the inspiration for and making of the video:
What does your Manipura look like? Or what would it look like with some fuel and some space to ignite...?